DivIncome is a flexible dividend income calculator, planner, capital gains, and ROI tracker that can help you grow your money using equities that pay dividends. Divincome can also help you create, update and save different "What-if" income plan scenarios on the Planner page. Save a "What-if" scenario as a goal that you would one day like to attain. The "What-If" scenarios are updated as you buy and sell shares and as the prices change. Each scenario is built from the individual equities on the Main Page.
Divincome will track ETFs, Mutual and Bond Funds on the major US Exchanges as well as Equities on the major Canadian Exchanges. Prices are updated after market close so you can monitor how your portfolios are performing on a daily basis.
Simply touch the symbol on the Main Page that you would like to add to the Planner Page. A checkmark will show next to the symbol which means it has been added. On the Planner page you can manipulate the share, cost, or income values to create various "What-If" scenarios. Add as many symbols as you need to the Planner page.
Divincome will track the Capital Gains, ROI and the buy/sell history of your equities. You can build your portfolio using the historical data provided or input your own. You can choose to include tax on your dividend income. You can also track the Capital Gains and ROI for your stocks that do not distribute dividends. This enables you to see and track all your equities in one place.
From the Summary Page, you can export your data to Excel or other CSV format enabled programs. This will allow you to have more control and further manipulate your data.
- Provides Historical data from all major US and Canadian Exchanges
- Calculates Capital Gain and ROI on your individual Equities
- ROI is calculated using Capital Gains and dividends paid.
- Keeps a buy/sell history of your individual equities
- iCloud enabled. Share data between your devices
- Print, Email, or export your data in CSV format from the Summary page
- Easily include a Tax Rate to your dividend income
- Save and update the plans you create on the "What If" page
- To quickly get started and build your portfolios you only need to enter the symbol of the equity